Frequently asked

Where can I find out where my nearest La Donuteria® store is located and what are the opening hours? Show more

Hours vary by location, so check your local store page for details. Start your search here.

Is parking available at your stores? Show more

Parking varies by location, so check your local store page for details. Start your search here.

Does La Donuteria® offer delivery? Show more

Yes! We offer delivery via 3rd party partnerships like UberEats, GrubHub, DoorDash, Deliveroo, Wolt, Bolt, etc. Please refer to your nearest La Donuteria® store. Start your search here.

Do you make your donuts fresh every morning? Show more

Yes! We do believe in quality, so we bake our exclusive donuts each morning by hand directly in each of our shops. Unlike most other donut chains, who bake their donuts in a big factory, then freeze them for weeks and deliver frozen to their shops, we promise to never freeze our donuts. Never! #saynotofrozen

Do you make VEGAN donuts? Show more

Yes! We do make amazing yeast-raised vegan donuts according to our special secret vegan recipe flavours like Milk Coconut, Peanut Butter, Caramel Lotus, Sweet Raspberry, Forest Fruit, Fresh Strawberry and others. Availability varies by location, so please check with your local store. Start your search here.

I have allergies. Can I find out what ingredients are used in your donuts? Show more

At La Donuteria® we take the health and safety of our customers very seriously and make every attempt to limit the possibility of cross contamination. For information on particular product ingredients and allergens, please ask the staff at your nearest store for the list of allergens.

Do you offer gluten-free donuts? Show more

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer gluten-free donuts at this time. Due to rules in most countries, we would need a separate kitchen and a separate full equipment to bake gluten-free donuts, which is currently not feasible.

Where can I buy gift cards and vouchers? Show more

Gift cards and voucher are available at your local La Donuteria store. 

Do you provide catering services for corporate events, weddings, family celebrations, birthday’s parties and other events? Show more

We can provide donuts for any event, large or small! Please refer to your nearest La Donuteria store. Catering orders should always be placed in advance. Start your search here.

How many different donut flavours do you have? Show more

La Donuteria® offers endless combinations! We have more than 100 most popular flavours on our Recipe List, including our seasonal Specials.

Where can I find out which Specials are on your menu this week? Show more

Follow La Donuteria® on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date about our current Weekly Specials and monthly Love at First Bites.

What kind of Coffee do you have and is it for sale? Show more

Our delicious coffee is freshly roasted SPECIALTY COFFEE from one of the best roasteries in the world, located in Trieste, Italy, which is known as the world’s capital of coffee. Its taste is tailored exclusively for La Donuteria customers, to represent a great match with our donuts. This coffee is a Blend (70% Arabica and 30% Robusta) with special creamy consistency, chocolate nut and liquorice aftertaste. And yes, our La Donuteria® specialty coffee is for sale in 250g bags.

I want to work for La Donuteria®. How do I get a job? Show more

We are always looking for great team members. As each La Donuteria® store is individually owned and operated by a franchise partner, we recommend you submit an application directly with the store you wish to apply to, as they will have their own selection criteria. Start your search here.

Can I pay by card? Show more

Yes! Most of La Donuteria® stores accept card payments.

How can I order Mini-donuts, La Donuteria® Heart Cake and how much does it cost? Show more

We are happy to bake you exclusive Mini-donuts or La Donuteria® Heart Cake of your choice! Prices vary depending on ingredients used. Please refer to your nearest La Donuteria store. Start your search here.

How do I go about getting sponsorship or donations for my charity, community projects or association? Show more

We love to support the community and local charities. However, please know that we receive many requests and unfortunately cannot commit to every single one. If you wish to seek such a sponsorship, please contact your local store directly. Start your search here.

Where can I find out about new La Donuteria® locations opening in my area? Show more

Follow La Donuteria® on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on the newest store openings.

Where do I find more information about owning a La Donuteria® store? Show more

La Donuteria® stores are franchised, please visit our Franchise section for all the information you need to get started as a La Donuteria® Franchise Partner.

If you’ve got a La Donuteria® question, we’ve got the answer!
But if you do have a question that is not answered here, please get in touch with us.

Get in touch with us